Biblical Comfort for Trauma

By |2024-09-27T10:54:30+00:00August 16th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

From childhood, we are exposed to hardship and suffering. Many of us are affected in our adult lives by events and treatment we experienced as children. It is amid our anger, pain, and confusion, God offers words of comfort for trauma, as well as hope and healing. Comfort for Trauma Survivors The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18, NIV David had traumatic experiences well into his adult life. He wrote this particular Psalm after narrowly escaping a near-fatal situation with King Saul, a former mentor and once trusted friend. David constantly drew comfort from his connection to and understanding of God. He knew that God cared that he was suffering and that all he had to do was pour his heart out in the form of prayerful songs. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. – Isaiah 43:2, NIV God’s promise to the prophet Isaiah was not that He would be a bridge over the deep waters, but that He would be with Him beneath the waves, ensuring that he could endure them. God’s way of helping us through life is to be close to us in whatever situation we find ourselves in. If it is recovering from trauma, He gives us the inner strength to do just that. We are a little stronger and wiser when we reach the other side of that particular raging river. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7, NIV Sometimes the reason we don’t share our struggles and fears with the people closest to us is that we worry that they won’t be able to handle it. The [...]