Modern advancements in almost every arena contrast what emerged as cutting-edge just years ago. God is a brilliant thinker and He created us in His Image, also with the cognitive capacity to imagine and invent. Even as everything in our world hastens at the speed of innovation, our Creator and Father whose genius orchestrates the universe, remains the same. He is not predictable, but rather constant in character. Faithfully, He keeps the covenant established with us, His chosen and called daughters and sons.

What society calls truth is ever-changing. It may not be surprising, but where our world destabilizes, tilting from one extreme to the next, only the Word of God anchors us in absolute Truth. More than an assortment of facts, the Truth is the comprehensive revelation of who Jesus is and the Word that the Father speaks.

The chaos and cacophony of multiple voices bring confusion amongst personal and relative truths that vie for our attention. Yet, Jesus always beckons, welcoming us to enter rest where we rely on His consistency, clarity, and compassion to be the compass that navigates our way Home.

As the Truth, God’s Word is faithful to inform our desires, decisions, and dreams. The light of Scripture will locate us and divulge where we are, but it will not leave us in dark or low places. More than a collection of words in black and red on a page or an electronic screen, the Word of God is the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14).

We not only read about our Savior, but to a greater degree, He reads us. He reveals where we are, the destination that He wants to take us, and the direction in which He wants to lead.

The Word Divides

The Word divides the soul from the spirit (Hebrews 4:12). It distinguishes between what emerges from the soul that requires transformation and the spirit that immediately conveys the pure voice of the Lord.

While our spirit is made new when we confess Christ, our soul is still in a process called sanctification. As we intentionally yield to the Holy Spirit, our lives conform, becoming more like Jesus. Acquainting with the Scriptures and spending time with the Living Word fosters awareness of His presence. It also invites intimacy with His Spirit that changes our lives from the inside out.

The Word Pinpoints Destination

The Bible is alive, and it gives instructions on how to interpret what we see and know. The Psalmist described it as both lamp and light (Psalm 119:105). It illuminates where we are and the path we pursue. We may not have all the information we think we need. As Alpha and Omega, the Lord has not only secured our beginning, but He has planned a future and hopeful end with Him (Revelation 22:13; Jeremiah 29:11).

The Word Provides Direction

Though we may have bits of information about our destiny, God doesn’t always detail the process leading to our destination. Like the Israelites traveling through the wilderness, we must trust Him with the timing and the trials we encounter along the way.

We may encounter detours where God protects us from forces that would tempt us to turn back into bondage. He leads, however, routing us through places where He teaches us to rely on Him through unlikely circumstances and uncommon miracles. We can depend on Him to draw us deeper into fellowship characterized by love and trust, bring Him glory, and reflect a spiritual development journey that we couldn’t craft on our own.

Next Steps

Wherever you are in your spiritual development journey, trust that the Lord will be faithful to guide you through each pit and pothole. He is always present as your constant companion.

There are spiritually-grounded mental and emotional wellness resources available to you on this site. Select a counselor today. Begin the next part of your path with the empathy and support to navigate your destiny and direction by embracing your soul’s Compass.

Photo:“Young man praying”, Courtesy of Getty Images,, CC0 License