Relationship Advice for Men: 9 Practical Tips
God did not create us to be isolated beings. We were made for community, to live life with others, and to get to know one another and to be known so we can encourage and support each other (Genesis 2:18). However because we live in a fallen world, all relationships are less than perfect and require work and commitment to thrive. Relationship advice for men is often helpful at this point. The measure of a happy, healthy relationship is not the absence of problems but rather the way inevitable problems are handled. Relationship Advice for Men: 9 Practical Tips Consider these tips that may help you be more connected and have greater harmony in your close relationships. Be intentional Good relationships take effort. Don’t take your partner for granted, pay attention to what her interests are and the kinds of things she enjoys doing, and plan your dates accordingly. Build on friendship Make friendship the foundation of your relationship. Instead of starting with romantic dates, look for things to do that give you a chance to get to know each other and find common ground without forcing awkward conversation. Go for a hike, visit a museum, or take an art or cooking class. Volunteer together to do something that enables you to interact with each other while doing it, such as picking up trash in a neighborhood or walking dogs for an animal shelter. Create memories together that you can cherish. Pay attention to the little things Remembering little details such as your partner’s favorite things can say more than any grand gesture because it shows her that you have been paying attention and care about the little things that make her happy. Be transparent Be open and honest about your intentions. If you like someone you have been [...]